First Greens of the Season: Nettles

Urtica dioica | First Greens of the Season | Traditional Roots Institutes | nettles for hayfever and allergies

By Amelia R. Cohn I was counting on gloves and long sleeves to keep me safe from the sting of nettle. The patch we were working with grows about 15 feet from a freshwater creek, surrounded by national forest. I was feeling brash thanks to my gloves, so I began to mock the plants, insinuating that they would not be able …

First Greens of the Season: Watercress

watercress | first greens of the season | wildfood | wildmedicine | Traditional Roots Institute

By Amelia R. Cohn Naturtium officinale, commonly known known as watercress, is is one of the oldest known salad greens consumed by humans, sharing the Brassicaceae family with collards, kale and broccoli. This semi-aquatic plant is high in many vitamins and minerals. It contains heart-rate and blood-pressure regulating potassium as well as the B-complex vitamins that are crucial …